Coffee & Cappuccino: Buy 6 get 1 FREE (free coffee limited to 20oz or less)
Fountain & Frozen Drink: Buy 6 get 1 FREE (free drink limited to 32oz or less)
General Terms
Customer consents to receive SMS/Text Message communications from FastBack Rewards
Customer consents to receive email messages from FastBack Rewards
FastBack Rewards will never sell your personal information!
Text Messaging Terms
When opting in, customer consents to receive SMS/Text Message communications from FastBack Rewards regarding their membership including special offers and promotional information
Message and data rates may apply
Customer may receive up to 1 message per transaction, and occasional membership information
Reply STOP to any message at any time to discontinue sms/text messaging, or disable the text messaging option on your FastBack Rewards profile
To start receiving messages again after opting out, text "YES" to 35965
For questions about FastBack Rewards messaging contact or call 1-800-444-0863
FastBack Terms
Free membership.
No purchase necessary to join.
Limited to 6 transactions per 24 hour period.
Membership is voluntary.
Age restrictions may apply.
Rewards can not be redeemed for cash.
Rewards are non-transferable between accounts.
Savings may only be redeemed on one vehicle per visit.
Fuel savings may be used only in conjunction with gasoline or diesel fuel purchases at participating locations.
Accounts that have had no activity for 1 calendar year will be considered abandoned and any unclaimed FastBack Points will be purged from the system.
Fastback Rewards reserves the right to refuse service or cancel membership at any time without notice.
Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. Notification will be given to registered cardholders electronically.